Hawk's By Design
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Boy, what a month April was!

I mean, first and foremost, I got married. How crazy is that?

I also went on a guys trip with some friends, canoeing the Eleven Point River…and only almost dying a couple of times.

So…what happened with the site?

April in a Nutshell

Basically, not a whole lot happened with the website. Between my wedding being at the beginning of the month and my canoe trip being two weeks later, there was a lot going on. However, while I was busy living out my best life, the website seemed to be just fine.

Actually, it was better than fine. It set a new record for monthly users. How about that.

Record Monthly Users

April 2019 RandomAnime.org Analytics

Well then. Nothing else to say except that’s AWESOME! I mean, yeah it barely squeaked past the previous record held in January of this year (23,234 unique users), but it did so in one less day. I’d call that a win.

No More Advertisements

I told you I was getting rid of them, didn’t I?

Well, they’re gone. Gone for good. It may be a dumb decision on my part down the line, but good riddance. I got so tired of dealing with the advertisement code, and not to mention daddy Google looking over my shoulder and griping about my content.

New Support the Website Notification

Will I miss the consistent cash flow? Yeah, but I already have some support from generous users across the globe, some of which consistently contribute monthly. That, in itself, is pretty damn cool.

I don’t have to look at those ugly ads anymore, and neither do my users. I’m happy with that.

That’s It

That’s about all I have for the month of April. I didn’t do a whole lot, but people still flocked to the website more than ever before, which is great. For the month of May I am working on my monthly content check, which now includes a check for region locked YouTube videos after a user reached out to me about the issue.

I have a rough idea, can’t really call it a plan yet, for a system of specialized, named lists. I don’t really know what it’s going to be yet, but a friend had the idea over this past weekend at Anime St. Louis. Basically, there are named lists like “Anime That Will Make You Cry” or “Anime That Have Epic Fight Scenes”. We’ll see how it goes.

I also want to make my thank you page more awesome, since it’s a way of me thanking the people that support the website.

Thanks for reading, and the support!

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