Hawk's By Design
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November was a bit of a crazy month! It seemed to just fly by, especially with the extra time off of work.

For the website, there wasn’t a whole lot of changes, but let’s go over some little things.


The 1200th show added to the website

1200 Anime Shows

Adding anime shows to the website is a constant priority on the site. After all, the bigger the selection, the more choices the users of the site have.

This month we hit a bit of a milestone: 1200 shows. That’s a lot of anime.

Honestly, in the beginning, I never would’ve thought the site would be up to that many! But, it is. The downside is that means I have 1200 shows to keep track of. On that note, users utilizing the error report function are always appreciated.

Random Anime of the Day Order

I made a small update to the way the random anime of the day is selected. Don’t worry, it’s still completely random. The update made it possible for me to see what the random anime of the day will be in the future.

This change doesn’t affect anything on the site, but really helps me. Knowing the anime that is going to be selected allows me to future schedule social media posts. That way, I don’t forget!

…Seriously, I’ve forgotten before. Haha.

Genre Form Bug Fix

This kind of goes hand in hand with the addition of shows. I received a few emails from users saying that if they selected pre-1999 in the release range, they got an error.

As it turns out, the encoded random list was maxing out on the database side. The string was too long for the table column. This turned out to be an easy fix.

To future proof the issue, I also took steps in adjusting the column so there is plenty of space.

Never a dull moment!


November 2018 analytics for randomanime.org compared to October

It was a good month!

As you can see from the screenshot above, almost all fields are in the green, which is good.

We saw an increase in users from last month by 2.4%, bringing the total for November to 18,016. Bounce rate and session duration also drastically changed, probably thanks to a little edit I made to make sure the analytics was tracking correctly. Average session duration is just over 4 minutes at 4:10. Bounce rate is looking beautiful at 28.38%, with my goal being to keep it under 30%.

Honestly, the only thing down this month compared to last is pages per session. Even that is only slightly down, 1.26%, which equivalates to only 0.05 pages per session. Not too bad.

I’d like to see our new to visitor returning ratio a little better. Something like 60/40 would be nice, but I’m not really sure how to help adjust that. Right now, it looks like we are more like 70/30. That number is almost identical to last month, with only 0.7% in variance.

Search Console

November 2018 Search Console

Search Console is still chilling. Not much change.

The website remains atop the search for its respective keywords, and it looks like the click through rate is remaining consistent with the past.

Nothing much really to report here.

December Plans

There is quite a bit going on in December, with my fiance’s birthday as well as Christmas, so we’ll see how much actually gets done.

That being said, I do have significant time off from work this month. Just depends if I am productive during that time, or spend too much of it playing Battlefield V…

NSFW toggle design in footer

The main project on the website right now is a NSFW filter that I’ve started working on. This feature will be a global toggle that allows the user to blur images that are deemed not safe for work.

I’ve actually got it in a good place right now, just working out some kinks and adjusting data. A December launch for this feature is probable.

Other than that, I still have the update to my genre filter form on my radar. I’m thinking I may put out the word and have some designs done, just to get some ideas out there.


That about sums up the website in November. I hope the trend continues in the right direction. December is usually a good month, with so many people having time off.

Here’s to a good December!

Thanks for reading.

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